Thursday 8 March 2012

Price Chopper shoppers can save money at Sunoco - Orlando Business Journal:
region can now save on gasoline for their car when they spencd money in thesupermarket chain. Price Choppedr has teamed up with more than 70 stationxs to offerFuel AdvantEdge, a prograjm that has been available for more than two yearw in other areas serviced by the groceruy chain. Consumers can save 10 cents per gallo at participating Sunoco stations forevery $50 of qualified grocerieas they purchase. The points/dollars can be accumulated overa 90-day period and spentg on up to 20 gallons of gas. Sunoco customerse in other areas have savef upwards of 50 cent to60 cents, and even $1 or more per through the program, according to Jeff Hassman, channeo marketing manager for the gas stations.
The number of participatintg stationswill grow, said Neil president and CEO of Price Customers must use their Price Chopper AdvantEdgse card to qualify for the savings. The supermarket automaticallyh tracks the purchases that can be applied toward the fuelsavingsw program. Certain restrictions apply. For purchases of alcohol, gift cards, lottery tickets, video rental and some other items don’t count toward the $50

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