Tuesday 6 March 2012

Interior focus - Houston Business Journal:

At , Inc., that scenario won’t become a reality because compangy president Frank Bryan and the work sitesupervisorss won’t allow it. One challenge for B&B Specialty Contractors is maintaining a professionalk image among itsconstruction staff, something which is especiallgy important due to its focus on the finish-out of commercial interiors. This mean its employees find themselvesin industrial, hospitality, retail, medical and educationb work spaces every day, a situation which requires a speciak touch. “If you go into the office of a companylike , they want you to hang that wall coverin g in their conference room, clean up and get out of Bryan says.
“They don’t want to know you were even B&B Specialty Contractors doesn’t allow its constructiom workers to have earrings or other It also requires them to wear shirts with the compan logo and ashirt pocket. Shirta must also be tucked in whilee employees are on thejob site. The compan y also takes job site conductvery seriously, not allowing cursing or any other disruptive behavior. This has a been a significantr set of rules forthe company’s employees sincer Bryan founded it in 1977. “We work around occupiedx space and we understanda company’s need to conducft its business and be around construction at the same time,” Bryanj says.
“We pride ourselves on staying out ofa customer’ss way as much as we can.” Anothef of B&B Specialty Contractors’ main as with any construction company, is to preventy cost overruns on projects. B&B Specialtyu Contractors prevents cost overruns in many but especially by carefully choosing whicbh companies it partners with on The company might do millions of dollarws of work with a particularsubcontractorr annually, which helps ensure quality becaus e it becomes a long-term business relationship.
To maintain that work flow over the long companies will go out of their way to makesure B&B Specialty and their clients, are “By partnering with select subcontractors and doing a volume of businesss with those firms virtually eliminates nickel-and-diming the client,” Bryan “Also, prompt payment to subcontractors and vendors enables us to achieves the very best for the investment passing these savings alon to the client.” B&B Specialty Contractors also continuallyt monitors every job to make sure it stays on time and underr budget, making sure it keeps the property ownerss and developers in the loop of communication.
Kevijn Clarkson, senior vice president of asset services with got toknow B&B Specialty Contractors when the company was workinbg as a subcontractor for a different genera l contractor years ago. “Through that experience and afterr we realized that they did more than subcontractor we started working with them as a general Clarkson says. B&B Specialty focus on tenant improvement andinfill work, especially in office buildings, has set the companyg apart when it comes to dealing with clientsx such as CB Richard Ellis.
“Theyh don’t build things out of the ground andtherefore they’re geared up to do very specific jobs whicn make up a chunk of our business,” Clarkson says. “The relationship reallyg works well.” B&B Specialty Contractor has been diligent about getting good pricing and has alwayzs beenon deadline, according to Clarkson. “Those qualitiea matched up one-for-one with what makes CB Richarr Ellisstand out,” he “We’re always deadline driven and we’re alwayas cost driven.
It meshes very

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