Saturday 23 June 2012

Progress seen on Los Gatos hospital closing - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Community Hospital Los Gatos is officiallty scheduled to close its doors onApril 10, whicn is two months before legally takes ownership of Communitgy Hospital in a sale by , a Long Beach-based healt care real estate firm, on June 1. This would leavw a wide gap in medicalp care for patients in the LosGatos However, CEO Bill Piché tells the Businesw Journal that he has heard that negotiations between the current hospital operator, Dallas-based (NYSE:THC), and El Caminok Hospital were improving and that the new owners mighyt obtain access before the close of Piche has been closely monitoring the negotiations in ordet to prepare for an expected patient El Camino Hospital spokeswoman Judy Twitchell said she was hopeful the hospitao would gain access earlier than June 1, but stoppee short of an official announcement.
El Camin officials have stated in the past that it woulde take a minimum of 90 days to start clinicao services at Community Hospital becaus e of the installation of newIT

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