Sunday, 30 September 2012

Fla. confirms first swine flu death - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The laboratory confirmation ofthe boy's death is the firsft in the state for the strain of swine flu, the Floridw Department of Health said. Florida has 417 confirmed cases ofthe flu. Surgeon General Dr. Ana Viamonte Ros said in a statement, "Whilw most cases of H1N1 swine flu are there are exceptions like thistragic case. Nationally, the CDC is reportin 45 deaths associated withswine flu, and as the flu progresseas that number will unfortunatelyt rise." The department has a surveillance system involving physicians to tracko the flu and also is monitoring emergency room caseds and over-the-counter drug sales. The department's four labs can all test for the flu.
has placeds the alert level for the flu at thepandemicx level, meaning it has widespread global circulation. Wash hands frequentlyt and avoid touchingyour eyes, nose and mouth. Avoi d close contact with people who are coughinyg or otherwiseappear ill. Stay home from work or school if you have arespiratorgy illness. Anyone who thinks he or she has influenza should calltheir doctor. Meghan Lehner, an attorney with in West Palm Beach, said in May that employersa are prohibited by the from exposing employees to hazardous conditions and may be requirec to send infected employees home or risk sanctionsz forOSHA violations.
OSHA has posted frequently asked questions on pandemic influenza preparedness and responsew guidance for health care workeres and health care employersat

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