Saturday, 16 April 2011

- San Antonio Business Journal:
Through Nov. 1, the city of San Antonio will have flex open enrollmentg forcity employees. Enroll in your benefitws plan for 2000. For more call 207-8705. Through Nov. 7, the San Antonioo Museum of Art will present theexhibit "Pleasures of the The Prints of Paul Jacoulet" at the Focusa Gallery. For more information, call 978-8100. This is the deadline to submit nominations for the San Antonipo College Outstanding FormerStudent 1999-2000. Informatiob about the nominee that needs tobe name, occupation, current address, date of attendance, Additional materials may be attached. For more call 733-2147.
This is the starting date of BalloonFest '99, produced by the Alumnj Association of the Universityy of Texas at San Antonio. For more call Steve DaLuz at 458-4133. The Dental School at The University of Texas Healthb Science Center at San Antonio will present theJames P. Hollerzs Memorial Lectureship at the Omni SanAntonio Hotel, 9821 Colonnade Blvd. For more information, call Sponsors include Beutlich LP, Warner Lambert, Brasselefr USA and Vivadent. The Spurs play Houston at the beginningat 7:30 p.m. For more information, call 207-7235. This is the startinfg date of a Halloween Bashor "Diwa de Los Muertos," to run through Nov. 2. For more call 227-2727.
The San Antoniop Coalition of Literacy Providers willcelebrater 225-READ's 10 years of servicew to adult literacy. The event will be held at The 212 S. Flores, from 4 p.m.-7 p.m. Come dressefd in a Halloween costume -- or come as you are -- and enjoy food, fun and entertainment by the San Antonio Stree Dance andDrum Co. The Free Trade Alliance is currently compiling a directorty of professional service providers for the International Business DevelopmentCenter (IBDC) program. The organization is looking for companie that will be interested in providing their professional servicea at discounted prices toIBDC members. For more call Stephanie Camarilloat 229-9036.
This is the deadline to register forthe "FHA Update sponsored by the San Antonio Chapter of The Appraisal The event will be held on Nov. 2 at the SABOR from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Jerrhy Keaton, chief appraiser of the FHA Colorado office, will be the guest speaker. The cost is $40, or $50 aftetr the deadline. For more information, call The San Antonio Hispanivc Chamber of Commerce and Dunhill Staffing Systemas Northwest will present a Ribbon Cutting at the CorporateSquare Building, 4801 NW Loop 410, Suitde 120, beginning at 9 a.m.
To RSVP, call October 30 The Sundance Golf Cours in New Braunfels holds a golf clinic evertSaturday -- regardless of weather conditiona -- for juniors from the ages of 8 througn 16 who are from Comal, Guadalupe and Bexar counties. The clinics are free to the junio golfers and are supported by the Central Texax Golf Association andthe USGA. The clinics last for one hour beginningh at9 a.m. For more call Sundance at (830) 629-3817 or San Antonio metro at (830) 609-9205. Sundance is locateds just off I-35 near 2294 Common St. The Teen Market Garden, a progra at the San Antonio Botanical is looking for teens from the ages of 13 to 19 who are interestee in the businessof gardening.
This program meets everty Saturday from9 a.m. to noon and teachea both horticultural andmarketing skills. The enrollmen fee is $5. For an application or more call 207-3255 or 341-4926. The Botanicalp Garden is located at 555Funston Place. Through Dec. 18, the Nix Health Care Foundation will have its Fall Sportws Medicine Clinic every Saturday from7 a.m-09 a.m. on the 8th floor of the Nix Medical Center. The San Antonii Children's Museum will have its pre-Halloween "Jeeper Creepers Peepers" and Play With Your Food Day from 11 Formore information, call 212-4453. The museum is locatec at 305 E. Houston.
The San Antonio Living Histort Association willpresent "Battle of Concepci—." For more call 732-6055. The Fire Prevention Postefr Contest Awards will be held at Council Formore information, call 207-7235. Therw will also be a Halloween Concerg at SunkenGarden Theater, complete with live bands. For more call 207-3025. Come join the fun of the Year-rounsd Community Centers' Halloween Party, from 10 a.m.-4e p.m. For more call 207-3038. There will be spookt storytelling at the Log Cabin of the San AntonioBotanicaol Gardens, 555 Funston Place. For more call 207-3270.
This is the startint date of San Antonio's Haunted For more information, call The Continuing Education Department at Our Lady of the Lake Universityg willpresent "Basic Web Page Design: HTML at the Main 240 Computere Lab on the campus, located at 411 SW 24th from 8:30 a.m.-4 pm. For more information, call 431-3975. The Black Professional Leadership Network and the San Antonio Associatiobn of Black Journalists will have its Annual Fall Gala atthe St. George Maronite Hall, 6070 Babcock Road, from 7:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Come enjoy door prizes and the soulfulo soundsof "Second Nature." The attirew is semi-formal. The cost is $20 pre-sal e or $22.50 at the door.
For more information, call Cynthia Crawfordr at 647-4304, Wendy Walden at 684-0854 or Tamu Bankse at 680-4914. October 31 The San Antoniol Children's Museum will have its annualo Happy Halloween Hullabaloofrom noon-4 p.m. For more call 212-4453. The museum is locatedr at 305 E. The Trinity University Music Departmentf will sponsor Bach Vespers at theMargarited B. Parker Chapel, beginning at 5 p.m. For more call 999-8211. This is the starting date of the 41st Annual Meeting of the American Societyh for Therapeutic Radiologyand Oncology. For more call Keri Sperry at (703) 227-0156.
November 1 The Nix Healthh Care Foundation will sponsor Colom Cancer Screenings during the month of Fecal occultblood tests, the most commob and simple colorectal cancef screenings, can be picked up from Novembeer 1-15 during regular business hours at the following locations: Digestive Diseased Center of South Texas, the Nix the Pill Box Pharmacy in the Nix Medical the Downtown K-Mart, the Walgreen's storw at the corner of Houston and College Streetzs and the H-E-B Central Market. For more call Betty Welnack at 271-1844. The Universidacd Nacional Autonoma deMexicol (UNAM) will have the opening reception of "Altar de at its campus, 600 Hemisfai r Park, from 5 p.m.-8 p.m.
This UNAM's traditional "ofrenda" set up in honor "Alpl Saint's Day" will show respecft to all those who lost theird lives during the Mexican The display, which will run through Novembe r 5, is free and open to the For more information, call The Nonprofit Resource Center of Texas will present "To Be Or Not To Be A 501 at its office, 111 Soledad, Suite 200, from 9 This event will help participants understan d the realities involved in a nonprofitf incorporation, including drafting bylaws and forming a board and legalp requirements. The cost is $50. To register or for more call 227-4333.
This is the deadline to RSVP for a luncheobn presented by The Greater San Antonio Chamber of The event will be heldon Nov. 3 at the La Mansiom del Rio, 112 College Street, beginninh at 11:30 a.m. The event will featur State Senator Frank The costis $25 per personn for members or $30; corporate tables of 8 are $225 for or $250. For more information, call 229-2119. The evengt is sponsored by PG&E Gas Transmissionn - Texas, Southwestern Bell and USAA. November 2 The Officed of Extended Education at the University of Texads at San Antonio holds a Microsoft Certifiesd Systems Engineer certification course on Tuesdays and Thursday s from6 p.m.-9 p.m.
The Tuesday courss is held at the UTSA Downtown BV 1.322; the Thursday class meetsz at the main campus on Loop BB 3.03.22. There is no cost to For more information, call 340-2235. This is the starting date of BusinesdWeek `99, sponsored by the St. Mary's School of Busineses and Administration. The event will run throughg Nov. 4 at the Albertg B. Alkek Building, School of Busines s and Administration. Events are free and open to the On Nov. 2, Karen Jennings of SBC Communicationz Inc. will deliver the La Quinta InnsBusinesws Lecture, beginning at 9:45 a.m. For more information on call Joan Henarieat 436-3712.
The San Antonio Museum of Art willpresen "La Noche de Los Muertos," an altar unveiling and salsa from 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Come join this traditionalk Dia de losMuertos celebration, including a costumre party, refreshments and live entertainment. For more call 978-8126. And through Nov. 8, the museum will present the "Studenyt Altars Exhibition" in the Great Hall duringb regularmuseum hours. Four schools will be exhibitintg altars, dedicated to famous Latin American Formore information, call 978-8136. The museum is located at 200 W. Jonez Ave. Through Nov.
17, the museum will presenr the "Community Altar Exhibition" in the Great In celebration of the upcoming Fridsa Kahlo exhibit and in observance of Dia de Los a community altar will be createrd by local artists and dedicated to All events are free withmuseunm admission. For more information, call 978-8100. The Texas Departmenty of Protective and Regulatory Services will present an Animall Cruelty Workshop atits office, 3635 SE Militaryy Drive, from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. This event will explored the connections between violence perpetratedf towards animals and how it relates to violence perpetratedagainsf people.
For more call Kate Martin at Christus Santa Rosa Health Care willpresent "Doez Your Bladder Matter?" from 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m. at the OASIzS at the Foley's at Ingram Park Mall, NW Loop 410. For more call 647-2546. November 3 The U.S. Small Business Administration will conduct a briefintg at theFederal Building, 727 E. Room A-517, from 11 a.m.-noon. The eveng will cover the types of SBA loan programx available tothe small-business community. Therer is no charge and registration isnot required. For more information, call The San Antonio office of the American Cance Society will have its next bilingual sessionof "Loo Good...
Feel Better" at the University Health 527 Leona, from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. This program helps patientes cope with the unpleasant side effects of cancertreatment -- offering emotionalp strength and encouragement. To register or for more call 614-4211. The U.S. Smalp Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) Business Developmenrt Division will conduct a briefing on the eligibility criteriaa ofthe 8(a) Program -- which provides business development assistance to firmsa owned by socially and economicallyy disadvantaged individuals through federal procuremeng opportunities -- at the U.S. Court Jointg Training Facilities, 655 E. Durangp Blvd., beginning at 10 a.m. Then at 2 p.m.
, there will be a hands-obn session for assistance in the preparation of the There is no fee and registratiojn isnot required. For more information, call 472-5924. The San Antonio office of the America n Cancer Society will have its next sessionof "Ma To Man" at its 8115 Datapoint Drive, from 7 p.m.-8 p.m. This is a support group for men who have been diagnosef with prostatecancer -- allowing them a chancde to talk openly with each other and healtnh care professionals about their concerns. For more call 614-4211.
The Nonprofit Resource Center of Texasa will present the Brown Bag LunchSeriesd "25 Ways to Nurture Your Volunteers" at its 111 Soledad, Suite 200, from noon-1:30 p.m. Take a break from your work day, pack and luncg and hear valuable tips on how to nurtursyour helpers. There is no cost to To register or formore information, call The San Antonio Museum of Art will present the UTSA Lecturde Series "The Scythian Spirit: Themes in Scythian Art" at the university' s main campus, 6900 North Loop 1604 Humanities and Social Sciences Building, 3.04.22, beginningh at 4 p.m.
Chaddir Kruger of the Classics departmen t of UTSA will be the There is no cost to Formore information, call 978-8100. The lecture series is sponsored by the University of San Antonio Colleged of Fine Arts and Humanities and the Divisiomnof English, Classics, Philosophyt and Communication. The San Antonil Police Academy at 12200 SE Loop 410 willpresengt "Family Violence and Animals: From Abuse to Prevention and Treatment" from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Speakerd will be Michael Kaufmann and Suzanne Barnarde from the American Humans Association andBonnie Yoffe-Sharp, DVM from the city of Palo Calif. The cost is $15, and seatingg is limited.
For more information, call Kate Martin at 207-2028. Novembed 4 This is the date of the openinh receptionof "Bounteous Brocades: Lauraz Foster Nicholson," sponsored by the Southwest Schoo l of Art & Craft. The openinhg reception and gallery talk will be held at the Russelk HillRogers Gallery, Navarrpo Campus, from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Come see how Chicag o artist Nicholson creates rich brocadew tapestries reflecting garden Participants can also enjoythe "Regional Printmakers works of outstanding printmakers. The exhibirt will run through Jan. 15. And on Nov.
5, the schook will have the workshop "Expressingb the Most in the Simplest Structures," highlightin g the work of Nicholson. The workshop will run througbh Nov. 7 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuition is lab fee is $25. For more informatiojn on events, call The San Antonio Hispanicd Chamber of Commerce holds its Toastmasterx International on the first and third Thursday of evergy month atSouthwestern Bell, 2nd 1010 N. St. Mary's, beginning at 6 p.m. For more call Joe Montoya at 681-4888. Christuse Santa Rosa Health Care willpresent "All About Hospice" from 9 a.m.-1p a.m. at the Senior Health Center - Highlane Hills, 3118 Clark Ave. For more call 647-2546.
November 5 This is the startinhg dateof "Building Bridges Between Blacks and sponsored by the Mexican American Culturalp Center. This program is designed for individualss and teams who are seeking tobe bridge-builders in diverse institutionalo and community settings. Participants will leave at 8:30 a.m. on Nov. 5 and returnn at 5 p.m. on Nov. 7. Registratiob and tuition is $150. For more information, call The Southwest School ofArt & Craff will present the free public slidr lecture "Glass Casting/Ancient Art Goes High Tech" at the Ellisonm Lecture Hall, Navarro Campus, beginning at 1 p.m. And from Nov.
7, the school will present the workshopp "Pate de Verre Glass Beads" from 9:30 a.m.-5t p.m. each day. Tuition is $220, lab fee is $60. Both eventse will highlight the workof award-winninv glass artist, Donna Milliron, who is most notexd for her sculptures and bead created by pate de an ancient glass-casting process. For more call 224-1848. Great Wall a nonprofit licensed adoption agency specializing in Chinesseorphan adoption, will hold free information workshops to explain the adoption process, characteristics of infants and children available for adoption, qualifications for adoptive cost and travel. The next session will be held at theRuble Center, 419 E. Magnolia Ave.
, Room 200, from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. To register or for more information, call There will be a one-day workshop, "Aw Community Response to BatteresdOlder Women" from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The event is open to professionalse working in the fields ofviolence prevention, counseling, sociakl work, women's health and others. For more information, call Jane Shaferd at 207-2136. November 7 The Gay + Lesbian Community Center will present Mitchell Katine at theMagnolia Gardens, 2520 North Main, beginninyg at 2 p.m. Katine, attorney-at-law, will discuss the "Homosexuapl Conduct Law" case.
For more information, call This is the starting dateof "Multiculturalism: Challenge to Religiousw Leadership and Formation Teams," sponsoredr by the Mexican Americab Cultural Center. This program exploresa differences incultural values, the perceptions of power, the dynamics of communicatiom and the consequences of all of these for leadership teams and formation personnel in religious communities and seminars Participants will leave at 7 p.m. on Nov. 7 and returnm at noon on Nov. 12. Registratiobn and tuition is Formore information, call 732-2156.
Coldwell Banker D'Ann REALTORS and Ken Batchelor Cadillac want to help consumers drivse home a Cadillac Catera and drivw down the cost of buying or selling a homewith $5,009 for closing costs during the Coldwelol Banker "Drive Home a Winner" nationa l promotion. The sweepstakes will run througuh Nov. 7. For more information, call Additional sponsors are Coldwell Banker RealEstate Corp., Cendant Mortgages Corp. and Cadillac. The San Antonio Museum of Art will have the publivc opening of theexhibit "Gold of the Scythian Treasures from Ancient Ukraine," from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
The exhibitf displays these once-feared warlords who held sway over the vast Eurasiab steppe fromthe 5th-3rd centuriesx B.C. and who had a passioj for war that was matched by an appetitdfor gold. The exhibit will run through Jan. 30. The openiny is free with museum admission. For more call 978-8100. The museum is locatex at 200 W. Jones Ave.

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