Thursday 13 October 2011

Williamsburg Dental sets the stage for a soft sell - Philadelphia Business Journal:
“Whatever we are doing in the dental world applies to just about every service that isout there,” Capista “Whether it is a restaurant or a you still have a customer you need to and you still have to have that internal “Internal marketing” is very much at the core of Capista’s the idea that a customer still must be sold on your even after they have come througg the door. The way to do that, he is through rigorous systems. In Capista’as dental office, called Williamsburg Dental in this means patients are greeted with a smile and a They are taken to comfy reception areasz where coordinators talk with them aboutr their desiresand expectations.
This soft sell is exactluy the sameevery time. “I know when I do a presentation there will be specifid things that I want to covedr withthe patient. If you do it just 10 or 20 timees itfeels memorized, it feels But if you do it over and often enough, it just becomed your natural behavior,” Capista said. The more you repeagt it, the less practiced it sounds. Capistas likens it to a theatrica script. “On the first night it soundzs memorized, it sounds But if you do it 100 then you can just go out on the stage and do it he said. Capista stumbled onto the self-help circuit, at first deliverinv lectures on marketingto dental-industryh gatherings.
From there he moverd into academia, presenting at and of Since then he has hired public relationsz firms to line up He has moved on toaddress small-businesxs groups, Rotary Clubs, chambers of commerce and the , a spiritual center. James V. Coffe has heard Capista speak in Malvern. As presiden t of the nonprofitPapapl Foundation, he’s been impressed by Capista’e ability to add a spiritual dimensiom to discussions of personal and professional “He has a very grounded approachh to how to maintain balance in everyg aspect of life, whether it’s business or personal or He helps you keep it all together, keep an eye on what’sz important,” Coffey said.
“If the rest of your life is in it stands to reason that your businesz is going to flourishand thrive.” Proof can be seen in the succesas of Capista’s own business. With the help of his partner Drs. Joseph Lamb and Robert Capista has evolvedhis practice. In addition to fillin cavities, the partners now do a brisk business in brightening smiles and performinvg other procedures aimed at making chompers not just more hearty but alsomore handsome. “It was partly the technical but also it was partly thepersonapl reward.
When you see someone who doesn’t want to smile and they have a poor and then they come back andtell you, ‘Noa I smile at people I don’t even that is just great,” Capista said. “Thre thousands of dollars they pay for it are because all of a sudden they arehappierd people,” he said. That’s a changed from the usual dentist-patient relationship. “Usually they don’ t want to be there, they don’t want to do what you ask themto do, and then they have to pay you for As with many small businesses, growth has come with pains. In 1995 Capist opened an additional office inNewtownn Square, where two dentiste practiced.
As the businesz grew, Capista began to feel that somethinygwas off. “If you are not there to watch everything, even if you have systeme in place that should be working, you cannot beat people over the head to make them use thosr systems,” he said. For a man whos program relies on repetition, the inability to sustain systems provesdtoo frustrating. In January 2008 he finallty sold out tothe practitioners. Despitre shedding an office, Capista’s practicew continued its upward trajectory, growing from $5.2 million in revenuew in 2007 to $5.4 million last year.
Looking ahead, Capista said he plansz to continue building not just his dental practice but alsohis self-hell success, beginning with sales of “What Can a Dentist Teacj You About Business, Life and “The book is your callinvg card,” he said. “You don’t make a big living selling but the book is what allows you to get up in frontg of people and talkingto

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